Ok, now we are even. (CB)

Tawn, my buddy Dan and I were up at Stevens Pass ski resort on Super bowl Sunday and Monday. The video below was taken on Monday February 4th.

And just to be clear, I am not posting this video to display my incredible snowboarding skills, or Tawn’s talent for filming (and defenitly not for her color commentary). The main reason is to level the playing field. A couple weeks ago, I posted a video of Tawn, in which she wipes out. I may or may not have also aluded to her sobriety at the time, I don’t honestly recall right now.

In the following video you will see me wipe out at the end of it. While I was definetly sober, if you look closely right before I wipe out, you can see a small woodland creature scurry across my path. I had to resort to desperate measures to ensure the little guy escaped unharmed. I am nothing if not a friend of all creatures, both great and small. Enjoy the video:

Posted in Adventures, CB, snowboarding, Tawn | Leave a comment

Tawn is gonna kick my ass for doing this. (CB)

I took another quick video of Tawn Snowboarding yesterday. And while I still have not been able to get the brightness settings right. I wanted to post it because Tawn wipes out at the end of it and I caught it on film. :)

This was taken on a run called The Bomber Cliffs at Mission Ridge:

This next picture showes the reason why I think she wiped out:

Tawn at Stevens Pass

:) hahhaha

Posted in Adventures, CB, snowboarding, Tawn | Leave a comment