I had to make a few small adjustments to my HAM radio settings and wanted to test to make sure I was still able to update the blog via radio.
Might as well give a small update while i’m at it.
We left Ensenada Mexico Wednesday afternoon around 2pm. Headed for Bahia Tortuga (Turtle Bay). From point to point the trip ends up being 288 miles, so it should take us roughly 3 days if the wind cooperates.
So far it has. At the time of writing this it is 10:30am on Friday. We have just about 90 some odd miles to go. And other than a windless couple of hours yesterday morning, we have sailed almost all of it.
Great sailing too. Warm (not so much at night), wind on the stern quarter, no real waves to speak of. The windvane is doing all the work, so we have just been going about our time relaxing, sleeping and reading.
We shortened sail to slow us down abit so as to time our arrival at Turtle Bay sometime after sun up. Neither one of us like coming into new anchorages in the dark. And right now, the entire Baja HAHA fleet (165 boats) is anchored in the bay. Which could make it a little crowded. Day light is a much better time to go in. I believe they are to leave at 8am. So we might get to see a few of our friends as they are leaving.