Back near the beginning of August we were rafted up with Andante, and Hello World in Effingham Bay in Barkley Sound. In fact, it was our last anchorage together. We had been hanging out and exploring the east coast and top of Vancouver Island with Kevin on Andante all summer. Jason & Christy on Hello World met up with us and all three boats traveled down the west coast together for the month of July.
We were all hanging out on Hello World eating dinner, having a few drinks when Jason and Christy bring out this heavy “going away” gift bag. It had all sorts of good stuff in it.
Good stuff by Hello World standards that is. A 3 plus year old bag of Turkey Jerky, a book they didn’t want anymore, a broken bocce ball set (I was the one that broke it, but that is not really a important) and the best bit, a treasure map to an Italian deli in San Francisco (and some cash to splurge on delicious salami once we found it).

Actual treasure map, people! It’s out of focus you cannot steal mah treasure.
The map and clues were fairly accurate, but they could not recall the name of the deli. So we had to rely on their clues to find the place. We found a deli and got some awesomely delicious hard salami and equally delicious sandwiches and a cannoli. Took that all down to the water front and had a killer lunch.

Look, it’s Tawn at a deli!
The name of the place they were guiding us to is Molinari’s.
We did not go there. We ended up going to some place three blocks down the street.
Turns out Christi’s talent for writing poems and treasure map instructions are awesome, but her ability to judge distance is just as shitty as Jason’s. [Pro tip: If Jason tells you something is X distance away, subtract alot from what he tells you. Then disregard the answer you come up with and measure it your self]
Her instuctions indicated the deli was blocks away from a restaurant called the Stinking Rose, when in fact it was less than a block away. We actually found the right place a few days later when we were hanging out with some friends of our that live in San Francisco.
Either way, thanks for awesome treasure map guys and turns out the salami we got from the wrong place was actually made by the other place anyway. It’s all good!