Since the main purpose of this site is to let our friends and family know what we are up to on our boat/home. I think it would be a good idea to let you know just exactly where the boat is most of the time.
We keep the boat in Shilshole Marina on K dock, this will be changing soon as the marina is undergoing a huge renovation. We will be moving sometime in october to a new dock but in the same marina.
Just where the hell is Shilshole Marina you maybe asking yourself? I’ll assume you know where Seattle is. So from there I will show you two images.
The first is an overview of Seattle and where Shilshole Marina is located in town:
Ok, now you know where we are in Seattle, sorta. :)
Now i’ll show you a close up of the marina:
Hopefully overtime, i’ll come up with some better ways of showing you guys stuff. :)
So, there you have it. You know have a pretty solid Idea of just were we live and keep our boat. I’ll post some more info on this stuff later.