How we do.

This post is about a day/night a few night ago, we didn’t have internet access so I’m just getting around to posting it now. Lo siento, but no pictures on this one.

It was one of those almost perfect days. An absolutely perfect example of how we are currently living our life. No plan, just going with the flow.

The day started off with us anchored in a bay called Bahia Santa Elena in Northern Costa Rica. We woke up with the plan to go another anchorage about 16 miles away; Key Point.

As we were motoring out of the bay/bahia we made a last minute decision (for no real reason) to skip going to the Key Point anchorage and to continue on down the coast to one of the other anchorages a little closer to Playa Cocos. Which is where the first official immigration and customs office is for checking in to Costa Rica. We have unofficially, been in country for a week or more and should really think about checking in.

As we rounded Cabo Santa Elena, the weather was perfect. Sunny, 85 degrees. Not a cloud in the sky. We hear over the VHF radio two of our friend’s boats talking to each other on channel 16. We have not seen them since we left San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua a week of so ago. We hailed them on the radio and they tell us they are anchored off an island, near Key Point. Right were we decided just two hours ago, not to go.

We told them our plans and that we would meet up in a few days in Playa Coco. We were going to keep going and pass them by.

Barely ten minutes after the radio conversation, Tawn looks at the fishing line we have out and says “I think we have a fish on the line”.


Fifteen minutes later, we are filleting a HUGE Dorado/Mahi-mahi on deck. More than we can possibly store in our small freezer and/or eat ourselves. What to do. We call our friends back and tell them to cook up some rice and beans for dinner and will see them in a bit with fresh fish to share.

An hour later we drop the anchor near our friends boats (Wiarua & SunRunner). I nap the shit out of the cockpit, and Tawn swims over to our friends boats to make dinner plans.

Dinner plans were; beach fire, cocktails, and grill up the Mahi on the fire! Hell yeah, we can do that.

Now picture this.

Five of us are sitting around a fire on the beach. Waves, hitting the shore behind us. It’s warm, but there is a nice breeze. The Sun has set, the moon is not up yet, so it is pitch dark. The sky is absolutely filled with stars. An insane amount of stars.

We were all just chilling. Talking. Drinking. Digesting an awesome dinner. With my flashlight I spotted two hermit crabs in an epic duel over a shell. We all watched that go down for a bit, enthralled.

I click off the flash light and walk around the log to where our cooler sat to make myself another rum drink. I click the flash light back on to avoid tripping over what I thought was a big rock. The rock moved….kept moving. I almost shit my swim trunks.

What I thought was a rock was in fact a huge sea turtle. HUGE. Three feet away from me, slowly crawling up the beach to lay her eggs. Whut!

I start spouting brilliantly insightful things like; Shit!, What the fuck!, Jesus, look at this fat bastard! Everyone jumps up and we spend the next hour or two watching this, and three other giant lady sea turtles laying their eggs on the beach. Unbelievable!!

After the turtle we all decided to head back to the boats. Me and Tawn had swam from the boat to the beach, so we had to swim 200 yards back out to the boat. Pitch black. Not a light anywhere, other than the stars. The water was warm, and looking down with our snorkel mask we could see the trails of bio-luminescence the fish were leaving as them swam around below us. Ridiculously cool. And insanely frighting all at the same time.

Sometimes people ask. How can you just quit your jobs and do this trip. Seriously, people ask that question. Stupid, I know. But they ask it.

The answer?

One day, thirty odd years from now, as i’m sitting in a pair of dirty depends adult diapers, eating from a can of cat food. This is what I will think back on. This is one of those days. One of those many memories that makes it all worth it.

Posted in Adventures, Palarran | 5 Comments

Volcano boarding.

After leaving El Salvador and a brief one week stop in Honduras. We checked in to Nicaragua. Our port of entry was a small industrial town of Corinto. We left the boat anchored in an Estuary near a place called Paso Caballo and took a bus to Leon, Nicaragua. Pretty cool little town. They totally have their fingers on the pulse of the tourist/backpacking hostel crowd there.

We found a hostel to stay for a day or two and then found a guide company to take us up to the top of the nearest volcano (Cerro Negro) to do a bit of hiking and then once at the top, “snowboarding” down. When I say snowboarding I what I mean is, the exact opposite, in every way.

Snow = Volcanic rocks
Fluffy = hard
White = Black
Cold = Hot as balls
Fast = Not fast
Soft fully snow = Black hot as balls volcanic rock.

The hike up was very cool, awesome views of the other surrounding volcanoes and the flat green planes stretching out for miles in every direction.


Once at the top a small rain storm rolled through (of course). After about a 15 minute wait for that to clear up, we started down the mountain on our volcano boards.

But not before putting on our awesome volcano boarding suits.


I took a few videos and edited them together. I’ll warn you now, if you are prone to epileptic fits, sea sickness or have any sort of aversion to shitty videos, do not watch this. It is shit.


This is the view from the bottom where the truck picked us up. Look at the steam coming off the rocks….just look at it!


Posted in Adventures | 2 Comments

Spooky, and it’s not even Halloween.

It was right around 10pm, Monday night, October 13th. Pitch black out, no stars. Tawn is in the aft cabin crashed out and I’m still up watching an episode of The Trailer Park Boys on the laptop. We were anchored in a small bay off El Tigre Island in Honduras. There is a small cluster of houses and beach palapas lining the shore about 100 yards away from where the boat is anchored.

As i’m sitting there watching the show, I feel this really odd…. really big vibration. At first, it felt like our engine was running. This was not possible. I then just figured it was another boat motoring past us. But damn, it was a very big boat by the feel of it.

As I was getting up to stick my head outside to make sure everything was OK, and to make sure we were not about to get hit by another boat; the sound and vibration stop.

About half a second later our boat starts,……not sure how to describe this. But our boat started “hopping”. It felt like something large, something very large was trying to pushing our boat straight up out of the water. We were bouncing about 6 inches or so. Up and down repeatedly for 15- 20 seconds.

Living on a boat you get used to the way it moves. Different wind, wave, and currents make the boat move in certain ways. We know what feels right and what does not.

This did not feel right.

I run up the companionway and out in to the cockpit, just as Tawn is waking up and saying “What the fuck is that??”.

Did not have a clue. But I was giving it 30/70 chance that I’d either see a boat bumping up against us or a large angry or possibly horny (I don’t really think it matters which) whale pushing us around.

As soon as I got outside, everything stopped. I had a flashlight, but could not see anything amiss. Nothing. We were just sitting there in the dark anchorage as if nothing had happened.

Tawn came up the companionway behind me and says, “Whoa!, all the lights on the island are off!”.

I turn around and look. She’s right, nothing. Not one light on anywhere.

My first thought was: “Oh shit! Fucking Zombie Apocalypse!”. That was immediately followed by the realization that, suddenly the zombie apocalypse did not seem like it would be as fun as I thought it would. Which surprised me. I’ve always sorta been hoping for one.

As I’m standing there dealing with a bit of an existential crisis, how could I not be stoked for a zombie apocalypse? Tawn got on the radio and called friends of ours on another boat anchored near us. Between the four of us, we figured out that we just experienced an earthquake.

A few minutes later as we were figuring out our “OH SHIT, TSUNAMI!” plan. A big ass thunderstorm rolls through. Crazy ass lightning, torrential down pour, honking wind, the works. We go through our batten down the hatches routine and give a hearty, “Hi ho fuck this time for bed”.

I think Tawn summed it up best as she was climbing back into the bunk: “That was TOO much nature for one night”.

Posted in Adventures, Big trips, Palarran | 5 Comments

Bat shit and bird nests.


We stopped here in El Salvador for a few weeks about 6 months ago.

We have done a lot of inland travel while we’ve been here (El Salvador, Guatamala, & Belize). Tawn has posted about a few of the trips in the last couple updates.

On one of our trips was to a little mountain/lake side town called Suchitoto.

We heard about a cool water fall outside of town. As we were driving around the jungle roads trying to find it, this little dude runs out and waves us down. Jumps in the car with us and guides us to his house on the side of the road.

That little guy was awesome. And could climb a tree like a freaking Mono. He guided us to the water falls about a half mile from his house.

Not much water falling, but the rock formations were cool as hell.

We had some mechanical issues that popped up (broken engine mounts). We fixed that and completed and a few other issues/projects while here.

I learned that allowing your surfboard to slam into your face multiple times is not as much fun as it sounds. It is how ever a good way to get six stitches in your lip and a broken nose. Bonus, I also got to experience the local El Salvadorian health care system up close and personal. Try to get that included in your fancy all-inclusive resort vacation.


We also learned that while there is a seat belt law for drivers in this country, this:
Is perfect legal!! That is a semi, and we were on a highway.

As much fun as we’ve had here, it is time to get moving. You know it’s time to go when you raise your mainsail and a bunch of bat turds, and an entire bird nest falls out!

We are itching to get going and the plan was to take off today (Oct. 8) at high tide. But after checking the weather last night and this morning, it just did not look good enough to take off. There is a bit of a blow brewing up to the south of us, right were we wanna go. So we wait.

Nice bit is, there is no real reason to go other than we sorta had some momentum built up. Two of our friends boats left. One yesterday (Morgan and Petra on Jalisco) and another the day before that (Darrin and Jodi on Gratituie). It was our turn today. But one of the rules we have when it comes making calls on the weather windows. If either one of us is not %100 on it, we don’t go.

So as we sat drinking coffee this morning going over the weather sites and GRIBs, we found we were trying to justify going or talking ourselves into it. Instead of just hanging out a few more days.

My spanish is not really that good, but even though the sign appears they don’t want us to enter, I think we are in the right zone.

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