Homemade KIMCHI!!!

We ended up staying in Monterey a few days longer than we had planned. Originally we were only gonna stay for 3 days, but it ended up being 5. I love when a plan falls apart.

We really liked Monterey, met a couple other boats headed south.

We had dinner on one of those boats, a 43′ Hans Christian named Calypso. She (the owner, no the boat) made an awesome Taco dinner. As we were sitting there eating dinner, Tawn, noticed two big tupperware containers full of homemade Kimchi!! It was awesome. I LOVE Kimchi, by the way. Tawn does not love that I love Kimchi…..if you know what I mean.

They took off the next day headed for Morro Bay, we left for San Luis Obispo (SLO). But we made plans to meet up somewhere in the Channel Islands, or San Diego and much to Tawn’s displeasure, she is going to give me a lesson and her recipe for her Kimchi! Oh gawd, I’m gonna be Kimchi RICH!!

The distance between Monterey and SLO was about 120 miles, it took us about 26 hours to cover that distance. We sailed about 90 of those miles and motored the rest.

We did 3 hours shifts, so by 5am we were a little slap happy. The winds cranked up to around 25 knots around 11pm and stayed there till about 3am. We were hauling ass downwind, but the seas got a little ugly around Point Bouchon. But not too bad. No LT. Dan moments. Well maybe one small one around 3am, when we had to gybe. :)

Originally, we were gonna just drop the anchor in SLO bay, sleep all day and get up and head off that night so we could round Point Conception in the wee hours of the morning. But after our naps, we woke up to a beautiful day. Beaches everywhere and a band playing on shore.

Nope, fuck it. We’re staying. Again, plans falling apart….I love it.

There is no marina here, so we thought we had to land the dinghy on shore, but I was not looking forward to that. One, there was the surf to contend with. And two, I did not really want to leave my dinghy sitting on the beach with 100 random people hanging out and lining up to take it for a joy ride around the bay while we were in town.

As we were puttering around trying to figure out what to do about it. Tawn spots a sign and a few other dinghies stern tied to floats and bow tied to a ladder on one of the piers. I’ll not try to describe it any further, just look at the pictures.

Luckily, the swell was not too bad.

Spiderman, spiderman, she can do what ever a spider can.

SLO has been freaking awesome. Warm enough that we went swimming off the boat at anchor and watched a movie in the cockpit last night(NO BLANKETS).

This last picture really does not have much to do with anything other than, you just don’t see this sort of sign very often.

There are so many jokes here…..where to begin.

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4 Responses to Homemade KIMCHI!!!

  1. Paul Bailey says:

    I remember that ladder. Imagine trying to get a full load of groceries down that. Congats on making it to the land of Unicorns and Rainbows, Fairies and Butterfly’s.

  2. Ali says:

    Make sure you post how to make homemade kimchee!!! :-)
    Everybody needs that skill!!

    Miss you guys!!

  3. Ali says:

    I love this pic of Tawn!!

  4. Jodi & Darren s/v Gratitouille says:

    NO BLANKETS in the cockpit – we can’t even do that below yet – you really have reached the promised land! Hoping to leave Half Moon Bay tonight for Monterey then to the islands.

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