Each part of this trip around Vancouver island had it’s tricky parts that I worried about.
The first section was the Straight of Georgia, the second section were all the rapids and narrows of Johnstone straights. The the biggies, Cape Scott and Brooks pennisula. Those were the big daddys.
As it turned out, other than a crapload of very thick fog, and some rolly seas, Cape Scott was fairly easy. Nothing to sneeze at, but not as bad as I thought it would be.
Due to all the fog, we did not even see the Cape. It was completely covered.
A few days later, we were anchored in Klashkisk Inlet, preparing to round the Brooks Peninsula. This time, no fog. But there were some honking big waves and swell.
I think I posted about the rounding before, but thought I’d upload a few pictures of the rounding. Some of these were taken by Jason and Christy on Hello World and the others were taken by Kevin on Andante.
Enjoy….we did….sorta. ;)
I love this first picture. It was taken by s/v Hello World as we were leaving the anchorage and heading out to round Brooks. Tawn is on deck working on getting the staysail up. We already go the main up and reefed.

We are NOT sinking.
This shot was taken right at the point of the Brook Peninsula by m/v Andante. Proably about an hour or two after that first picture was taken.

We are almost around the point.
And finally, around the point and headed downhill. Tawn was up riding on the bowsprit (her favorite spot on the boat). This was were we saw the biggest seas and were actually doing 10 plus knots over the ground as we surfed down the waves.

Around the tip, Grundel here we come!