The Boat

The Boat:

1983 Hans Christian 38T


The Name:


The story behind the name:

One of my favorite all time authors is J.R.R. Tolkien. He wrote a book a very long time ago titled “The Silmirilirian”. In that book there is a boat name “Palarran” the word means Far Wanderer. Seemed like a fitting name for our boat as we plan to wander pretty far.

5 Responses to The Boat

  1. Cam Campbell says:

    Hey chickenbone,
    Excellent site, & always read your advice on



  2. Andy says:

    Many thanks for the photos of your starboard dodger. I have a Tayana 37 which needs a new dodger and was given some huge quotes. I will follow your lead.


  3. Nancy and Jim McKinstry says:

    Hi Tawnya and CB! Greetings from Michigan. Love reading about your adventures. Have shared with Jim Karzcewski and Carol Roberts. They are currently in Egypt and will do the Med next couple of years. Keokuk is in storage at Irish in Charlevoix for the winter. We will be sailing most of the summer. Still love Lake Michigan and the North Channel of Lake Huron.

    We are hoping to get a trawler (in addition to[Jim’s idea] or instead of [my idea]the sailboat) and do the Loop in the not too distant future.

    Love to you both. Live the life you were meant to live!

    Jim and Nancy McKinstry

  4. Bob Stander says:

    As an engine room and stern man, I must digress and say, Nice Bow! Love the line!


  5. Fantasys says:

    When strange events occur in a neighborhood in Buenos Aires, a doctor specializing in the paranormal, her colleague, and an ex police officer decide to investigate further.

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