Do the unpaid interns get Glocks?

To all my friends that have taken off cruising before us and keep a blog, and to complete strangers who’s blogs I read and are out sailing, I’m sorry! Completely and truly sorry. I would sit at my desk in my grey little cube and talk shit about you everyday that you didn’t put up a new post. “What the fuck else do they have to do” I’d say. Then follow it up with a vow, that when I did go, I would put up new post at a shocking rate. No one would have to read work related emails. I’d entertain the masses.

And yet, here I am. Three weeks in and what? Maybe 3 post…including this one.

In my…..ehem…our defense. It’s not that easy. Alot of it is due to no internet access. Some of it is due to the shear about of awesomeness that is our day to day lives :-P that I cannot be bothered to sit down and type something out. And a goodly chunk of it is pure unadulterated laziness. There, I said it. And I won’t take it back.

But to make up for it I’ll post this video my buddy Kevin on his boat Andante took while Tawn, Him and I went SCUBA diving on a wreck (RivTow Lion) in Naniamo, BC a few days ago. He did the editing, and voice over.


I’ll buy the first person a beer that can tell me what the title of this post references. No cheating (aka Googling)

This entry was posted in Adventures, Big trips, Canada Trip, Palarran, Scuba. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Do the unpaid interns get Glocks?

  1. S/V Nantu & S/V Aurora99 says:

    Zissou would be proud :).

  2. M. Miller says:

    Damn you – I’m in my box right now…..I’m trapped in a glass case of emotion.

  3. CB says:

    Eric wins the beer.

  4. Jason says:

    I’m feeling mildly vindicated from all some a very tiny bit of the shit I’ve taken from you.

  5. Deelow Baggins says:

    Damn… one of my favorite movies of all time and I didn’t get that reference. You are a wise man Mr. Midkiff.

  6. Vido of the dive looks wonderful as does the rest of this awsome blog. We want more.

  7. Livia says:

    No internet for 6 weeks. All smack talkers must remember that we have to spend time DOING COOL SHIT so we can post about it :D

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