How to install a Hydrovane Windvane on your boat.

Your complete Step-by-Step resource guide for installing a Hydrovane Windvane on your boat.

Step 1: Get a bunch of heavy card board boxes from England delivered to your boat.


Step 2: Open that shit up and look at the stuff inside.


Step 3: Start putting above mentioned stuff on the back of your boat.


Step 4: Repeat step 3 a bunch of times over the coarse of your weekend. (Note the use of pvc pipe instead of the heavy stainless steel for the mockup).


Step 5: Go sailing and let the stuff from step 2, and installed in steps 3 & 4 do the driving.

If you have any questions about the installation process, I can’t help you. It really was so simple I didn’t really use the instructions included other than a read through once or twice a few weeks prior to the stuff being delivered.

Posted in Day Sails, Installations, Palarran, videos | Leave a comment

Time Lapse

We “sailed” over to Poulsbo for the weekend with a bunch of friends to watch the new Pirates of the Carribean movie over the weekend (which sucked by the way).

Before leaving, I decided to hook up one of our camaras to the back stay and have it take a picture every 5 seconds during the trip over. The end result was 1788 photos and the time lapse video below.

Not sure why the quality is so poor on youtube:

Time Lapse from Shilshole to Poulsbo on Youtube


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StarBoard: The Movie

Teh Funny:

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Sayulita, Mexico Trip 2010.

Holy CRAP! What an awesome trip. Really, that just about sums it up.

Last winter Tawn, our buddy Danno (D-Lo Baggins) and I flew down to Mexico to meet up with our friend Scot and Angie for a long weekend in a small town called Sayulita. It about 30 miles north from Puerto Vallarta. We had such a great time in the short three days we were there, we decided that we would come back again this year for a week or longer. I’m so glad we did.

This year, we rented the same “condo” we did last year. The crew this time (Left to right in the pic below) was Kristi, Phil, Danno, Me and Tawn:

You can find all the picture we took following this link.

We rented surfboards for the week. And spent the days getting up early and surfing for a couple hours:

Then siestas in the hammocks, haning on in the deck and enjoying the view:

Then more surfing. We also did alot of exploring, hiking, scuba diving, sailing, and a lot of drinking:

All in all, we had a great, great time. Time to start planning the next trip!

Oh and this is my favorite picture of Tawn:

She will probably hate it and make me take it down, so enjoy it while it last.

Posted in Adventures, CB, Tawn | Leave a comment